Monday, May 13, 2013

5.13.13 What I'm (We're) Reading!

Joining in on the Monday reading round-up at Teach Mentor Texts.

It has been a busy week around here with a sick child and crazy work schedules. I have not read as much as I would like! So it goes.

My kindergartener has discovered Bad Kitty books, and so I got as many as I could from the library. These are so funny and make us both laugh out loud. These look like BIG chapter books, but each page is pretty light on text and heavy on pictures. He gets great satisfaction out of being able to read such a thick book.

For our bedtime read-aloud, we've been reading a chapter of Daisy Dawson and The Secret Pond every night. In the first chapter, there is a wasp that brought my 4th grader, Leo, out of his bedroom to listen, too. The wasp says things like "BUZZY-WHAT? BUZZY-WHAT? LIAR-BUZZ! LIAR-BUZZ! LIE!", and I read his parts in a fun little sing-song that had both little boys laughing.

The big hit for Leo this week has been Ender's Game. Todd (dad) recommended this to him, and they have just had great discussions about it. Todd is a huge sci-fi fan, and so he always has great recommendations.

I read Locomotion on the recommendation of a colleague after a discussion of middle grade novels written in free verse. I enjoyed this book and thought Lonnie was a compelling protagonist. I like that Woodson left some ambiguity in his feelings and made him so 3-dimensional.

I started The False Prince yesterday. Since I've finished the Bluebonnet List for this year, I thought I would focus on the Lone Star list a little bit. When I finish this one, I'll have read 5 of the 20 books on that list. So far, this is a great book! I think my Leo will like it.


  1. The False Prince is the beginning of a GREAT series so far! I've loved the first 2 books.

  2. Hi there Holly, I just saw the trailer for Ender's Game - looks like it's going to be a huge movie hit. I own a copy of the book myself but haven't had the chance to read it yet. I've been seeing a lot of Nielsen's False Prince, hope to get to it soon. :)

  3. My son also really liked Ender's Game, but the author's politics did give me pause. The False Prince is a great series!
