Friday, May 24, 2013

Narrative NonFiction for a Middle School Civil Rights Unit

One day this week, I substituted in a 6th Grade social studies classroom, and they were covering The Baby Boom after WWII, the Civil Rights era, The Cold War, and the creation of NASA. As I was going over the material with them, I thought of several narrative NF titles that would go well with this unit.

I think a selection of these titles would be fabulous to use in Nonfiction Book Circles. Here are some general resources for book circles with specific info for NF Book Circles:

If I were doing this in my classroom or library, I would do the following (with adjustments made as necessary, of course! That's always my outlook - monitor and adjust!)
-I would start by presenting video book trailers when available. For example:

-I would have them read these books aloud in their groups for at least the first couple of weeks to get into the stories, help each other with vocabulary, etc.
-I would grade based on their preparedness and participation in the literature circles.
-We would divide the book pages equally so that they are all reading to a certain page in their book each week. For example, one group might need to 92 this week while another group might be reading to 99.
-I would have short nonfiction narrative picture books and poetry written about this era to share throughout the unit.
-I would use the Reader's Guides when available to generate discussion questions, and create discussion questions myself when necessary. There is only one book listed here that doesn't have a Reader's Guide!
-I would have the kids contact the authors and see if we could get a response and possibly a Skype session! It's always ok to ask!

Here is my quick list of books that came to mind:

Almost Astronauts by Tanya Lee Stone
Reading Guide available at her website:


Miles to Go For Freedom: Segregation & Civil Rights in the Jim Crow Years by Linda Barrett Osborne

Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Russell Freedman
Reading Guide from the publisher

Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case by Chris Crowe
Reading Guide by a teacher

Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice by Phillip Hoose
Teacher's Guide from the Publisher

Courage Has No Color: The True Story of the Triple Nickles by Tanya Lee Stone
Reading Guide available on the author's website:

We've Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children's March by Cynthia Levinson
Many great resources available for teachers and students at the author's website!

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